Antichrist: A Wicked Warrior

Daniel 11:38-39 Have you ever heard someone say that you are “living in the dash?” What they mean is that you are presently living in that little hyphen between the date of your birth and the date of your death. With this in mind, every tombstone you see becomes a...

The Arrogant Antichrist

Daniel 11:36-37 Past Performance and Future Results Have you ever heard this phrase before? “Past performance does not necessarily predict future results.”[i] The Securities and Exchange Commission requires investment funds to make some form of this statement to...

When Nations Are Shaken, part 3

Daniel 11:21-29 How can we live in a stable, confident manner when our nation is shaken by assassinations, fraudulent leaders, diplomatic intrigue, military force and greedy political leaders who turn against their own countrymen? In Isaiah 44:6-8, the prophet...

When Kingdoms Are Shaken

Daniel 11:5-12 How do you feel when you see a plan come together? Now sometimes, plans are hard to make. There are just so many variables, so many factors that you have to consider. How do you prepare for the “what if’s?” What if this were to happen? What if that were...