Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

By all indications, the Supreme Court of the United States will soon overturn Roe v. Wade. This means that each state must grapple with the issue of abortion. Since our constitutional republic is “of the people, by the people and for the people” are you prepared to...

Pilgrims with Palms

Revelation 7:9-10 Palm Sunday is a traditional celebration with Scriptural foundations. What is the meaning of this day? Why is it important? What should catch our attention as we think about this special day, one week before Resurrection Sunday? Is it enough to...

The Lord: The Lion, The Lamb, part 2

Revelation 5:8-14 A New Song What are you passionate about? Webster’s dictionary defines “passion” as “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction.”[i] What is it that drives you? What do you feel so intensely about that it seems to make life worth...
The Power of Concerted Prayer

The Power of Concerted Prayer

In 1938, Basil Miller wrote a book that still has great relevance in our day. Consider the following excerpts: Concerted Prayer “A concert of prayer—that was all. Prayer bands formed in churches—prayer meetings held in homes —prayer circles binding together...

Urgent Need for Work Teams

Hurricane Ida carved a devastating swath through Louisiana. Recently, Tropical Storm Nicholas flooded the area again. In the midst of it all, a number of Gospel-preaching churches are asking for our help. Would you be willing to put together a work team of 3-4 people...

ORH Disaster Relief Manual

After Hurricane Katrina, Operation Renewed Hope prepared a Disaster Relief Manual. You can download a free copy of that manual by clicking here. To better understand the rationale behind these relief efforts, please see The Biblical Approach to Disaster Relief by...